Digital problem-solving therapy for depression
If you are feeling overwhelmed, down, or depressed, you are not alone. ePST can help.
ePST is electronic problem-solving treatment, a digital therapy tool to reduce depression and manage stress. Organizations can partner with everMind to help people learn coping skills to feel better and be more productive in daily life.
Users learn skills to solve daily life problems
Problems can be stressful and cause or worsen depression. ePST digital therapy for depression teaches how to get control over problems. By addressing problems head-on, symptoms improve, and you feel better.
If you are an organization, read on to learn more about how digital therapy can help your employees, clients, or patients reduce depression and be more productive.
If you are interested in purchasing ePST for your own use, visit ePST Helps for more information.
ePST uses technology developed for NASA to treat astronauts in space. Our technology provides a warm and responsive digital therapy experience. It keeps users engaged, on-track, and focused on results.
Features of ePST
Requires little reading
Interact with a virtual therapist
6 evidence-based treatment sessions
Life-like responses tailored to user inputs
Digital problem-solving therapy for depression is cost effective and offers long-term results.
Organizations and clinics offer ePST to their employees/members/ clients/patients and can oversee its use.
If you are interested in purchasing ePST for your own use, visit ePST Helps for more information.